Call for entries: Ramjas Economic Review Vol VII
The Editorial board is now inviting entries for Ramjas Economic Review Vol VII. Mail your submissions to
General Guidelines
The following guidelines are to be strictly followed:
Format: The submission should be in the form of both pdf and word document file. The font sizes to be followed are 16 point for heading, 14 point for subheadings, 12 point for text and 10 for footnotes. The font style must be Times New Roman. Line spacing should be 1.5 for the text and 1 for the footnotes and endnotes. The name of the file should be in the format “FirstNameLastName- PaperTitle.”
Tables, Figures and Equations: All figures and tables should be embedded within the text. They should be labelled properly along with the source. Equations should be numbered.
Cover Page: The cover page should include the name of the author, name of institution, title, course, year of study, contact number and email-id.
Language Setting: Please ensure that the langauge is configured to UK English throughout your paper.
Submission: The email should have the subject “Submission 2025” and the contact numbers of all authors. Additionally, mention whether you would like to present your paper at the Annual Winter Conference’s Paper Presentation Competition hosted by the Department of Economics, Ramjas College or not.
Citation: For the purpose of citations follow Chicago style referencing. References provided in any other formats are not entertained. Citations must not be displayed in the footnote. It must be in the text and also under the References.
Plagiarism and AI: Plagiarism and usage of generative AI of any kind is strictly prohibited and will lead to rejection of the entry.
Copyright: Authors whose paper gets selected will be required to fill a copyright form to be sent separately to them.
Eligibility: Only original and unpublished entries from undergraduate students will be considered for publication. Papers that have 1-3 authors will be accepted and considered. However, the maximum number of co-authors for a submission should not exceed 3.
Guidelines For Research Papers​
Word Limit: The maximum word count is up to 5500-6000 words.
Abstract: Submissions under this category must include an abstract of 250-300 words, comprising of a brief description of the hypothesis, research methodology and tools used, coverage of the data (countries/states/data collection units, etc., and time period), summary of the results and contribution to the existing literature.
Introduction: A general overview of the research topic, its background, the question of the need for research in this field, the outcome of the research and the structure of the paper, are to be addressed in this section.
Literature Review: Aspects such as the evolution of theory/thought/responses to a topic and personal reaction or thoughts on the same are to be covered in this section. Additionally, critical analysis of selected documents of existing literature on the research topic, with relevant references wherever applicable are to be included. The authors must take care to mention the research gap filled by their study towards the end of this section.
Numbering: All sections and subsections must be clearly numbered using arabic numbers i.e. Section 1, 1.1 and so on. Sub-sub headings are also allowed (numbered 1.1.1). Subsequent sub sections beyond sub-sub headings are not allowed. Tables and figures in Appendix must be numbered A-1, A-2 and so on.
Methodology: Research methodology, techniques used, sampling methods, data sources and related aspects are to be included here.
Conclusion: This section should include the conclusion drawn from the research, together with relevant charts and tables. Topics such as limitations and scope for further research in the area too should find a mention here.
Appendix: Big figures and tables must be presented in the appendix and must be clearly numbered. The main text of the paper must mention these tables and figures either in-text or as footnotes. Appendix must come before the References.
References: A list of all works (including the works highlighted in the literature review) must be cited in the paper. Strictly follow the Chicago style referencing format. References must be arranged alphanumerically. Please take a note of the following sample format for the reference:

Guidelines For Articles​
Refer to the general guidelines mentioned above and strictly adhere to the word limit of 2000 words.
In case of any queries, please send an email to
The review process for entries submitted to the Ramjas Economic Review consists of three stages. Initially, the editorial board screens the entries, followed by a detailed review conducted by the faculty review board, which includes internal reviewers from the Department of Economics at Ramjas College, external reviewers, and international reviewers, reflecting the growing number of international submissions each year. Each submission undergoes evaluation by 2 to 5 reviewers. Comprehensive review reports are provided to all authors, detailing the assessment of their manuscripts. The review process involves both objective evaluation using grading scales and subjective assessment through peer review discussions, with detailed revision reports communicated to the authors of shortlisted entries. Furthermore, selected entries are subjected to AI usage and plagiarism checks prior to the final publication decision. The acceptance rate for Volume VI of the Ramjas Economic Review is 23.81%.
Pending doubts?
The Editorial Board has prepared an interactive guidebook on 'Writing a Research Paper' to assist you in strengthening your basic understanding on research writing. Please scan the QR Code given or click on the text given below to access the freely available guidebook.